Celebrating July 4, 2022 with M-37

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Celebrating July 4, 2022 with M-37

Post by Cliff »

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I put two large US flags on my M-37 and drove to the local veterans cemetery. My wife joined me because she too wanted to honor those that fought for this country and have died including those that died in battle. As we drove there and back many cars honked and gave a thumbs up. Many people walking did the same. Yes even in The People’s Republic of California. As we drove through the cemetery those that were visiting the grave of a loved one either waved or gave a thumbs up. When we were almost to exit a man was moving toward us motioning for us to stop. We did. He wanted to see our M-37. He really liked the truck and asked if he could take a side by side photo of our M-37 with his new Jeep Rubicon. He said the M-37 was an ancestor of his Jeep. We accommodated him. We learned that he, his wife and son and daughter were there visiting the gravesite of a love one they had lost in war. His family came over to our M-37 and thanked us for honoring the fallen. What a great July 4th day.
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Re: Celebrating July 4, 2022 with M-37

Post by Cal_Gary »

Fantastic story and pictures-thanks for sharing, Cliff!
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Re: Celebrating July 4, 2022 with M-37

Post by NAM VET »

Wife and I watched the celebration at the Capitol last pm, lots of great singers and fabulous fireworks. With all the anti-American sentiment voiced by Hollywood and some politicians, seeing the hundreds of thousands of joyous patriotic spectators enjoying the celebration, I felt a bit emotional for this great Country. How fortunate,how lucky I am an American, to live in a country which tries to do what is right, even when those efforts are sometimes untimely and mistaken and incomplete.

When I sometimes feel such pride, I also remember others who gave up their own future for what we strive to do and have today. I had two good friends lost in Vietnam, one a Lt killed, another who is still MIA, and will never come home.

A month ago I was able to walk on the sands of Omaha beach. And look back at the Atlantic Wall, and see the hedgerows so difficult to overcome. And then walk the Cemetery overlooking Omaha beach.

Perhaps because of my family's military history and heritage, and my own service I have an unbounded appreciation for what others have done and sacrificed for America. We are not perfect, but I thank God I am privileged to be an American.

Watching so many people celebrating, I felt we truly are the greatest Nation ever. Hal.
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