This Site a Respite

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This Site a Respite

Post by SierraM37 »

This site is a respite from the BS that is going on in DC (or state or local gov't) . I cannot believe the bunch of liars and crooks that we've elected to public office. Sorry for the rant. Just had to get it off my chest and escape reality.
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Post by Chunk »

I hear ya! However,remember this... most "people" are actually "sheeple". Government folks,be it senators,representatives,presidents,mayors,govenors,etc,etc are elite individuals. They mentally live in a different world than most of us. Kind of like a teachers pet. They get where they're at by lying,cheating,or stealing. Nothing new there. I believe that this wonderful country of ours is in a heap of trouble,and has been for a long time. I'm an optimist myself,but find it hard to see the good things coming. I absolutely hate politics,but I know my history well enough to know that history repeats itself. Hold on to your butt,because I see its getting worse. Most of the news anymore reminds me of the "Jerry Springer" show. :roll: Kind of true if you think about it. Funny little world. Anyway,What part has you down,or fired up for that matter?
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Post by Josh »

Wanna fix it all? Vote me in as president I would:

Fix our borders.

Simple one... Move the Mexican border 2 miles north, build a fence on each side of this 2 miles strip. The ones on our side is lightly electrified with 120V, the other electrified with 5K volts.

And in the middle, randomly buried land mines. Problem solved. :wink:

oh, and do the same thing in the waters between FL, and Cuba.

Fix our traffic accident rates.

Talking on your cell phone while driving? Cop confiscates it, puts it under your tire, and makes you run over it.

Air bags? Who needs air bags? Wanna make people pay attention? Replace air bags with steak knives that come out at 400 mph with 2K lb of force.

texting while driving? See sentence one.

Want your liscence? Good. Go to a skid pad and take 2 weeks of instructional driving on a close road course and skidpad, along with 4 weeks of classroom training. Why is it that everyone talks about how big of a deal driving is, but we give any kid with an attention span of 5 minutes a liscense. By the way, the classes are in ENGLISH, and YOU, as the driver get to pay for it all.

Wanna drive fast? that's nice. Guess what? Extra speed takes extra training, and requires a special colored, more expensive liscense plate. you go more than 10 MPH over your designated plate color and liscense, and your ride gets impounded for 6 months, no questions asked (a handy feature for mom and dad that want to keep their kids under, say, 45 MPH). So, you got the dough to buy an Audi R8 and wanna drive it fast, go get the training and th plate to handle it.


Legalize and TAX all drugs. This "war on drugs" was our prisons packed to the gills for marijuana convictions when we could be taxing it and using it to pay for all kinds of other things, like education. Everyone has the RIGHT to education, just because some percentage of the population wants to nuke brain cells all day long doesnt mean we can't use their stupidity to help those that want to get ahead. After all, we will need someone to mop floors and flip burgers after the new border security keeps the illegals out, right? :wink:


Alcohol, cigarettes. This one is simple too. The companies can advertise anything they want to anyone they want. Joe Camel to 6 year olds if they want... BUT: For every dollar they spend on advertising, they have to spend 4 on rehab programs, low income healthcare spending, etc.


Another simple one: Im 15% overweight (should be around 175, Im closer to 200), I should pay more. Someone that smokes should pay more too. HOWEVER: The Government Acountability Office (GAO) will bend over and butt love the living crap out of the insurance companies, hospitals, clinics, and everyone else that has a 1000% markup on suppliers, rooms, services, and everything else. Doctors will be given the option of having a statue of limitations levy. Basically, they can't be frivelously sued, BUT, as a result of this levy, they also have a salary cap imposed. No need for ultra expensive practice insurance means they don't need to charge big bucks for service, and especially don't need to make $500K a year. They would be required to make every patient aware of it at start of their service, and the patient would be required to sign off on it.

Tax Cuts.

If you sell something made in the USA, you don't pay income taxes on that item. If you make something in the USA from 100% US sourced parts, you dont pay income taxes. If you assemble something in the USA, from foreign sourced parts, you pay standard income taxes on whatever percentage of the foreign parts you used. You used 50% foreign parts, you pay taxes on 50% of your income.

If you buy something made in the USA, you dont pay sales tax. If you buy something assembled in the USA, you pay 20% sales tax on whatever percentage of the parts are foreign made. It's 50% foreign parts, you pay an effective tax of 10%.


The GAO will be the mst powerful arm of the government, and will automatically audit certain functions and people. If you work for the government, on any level, you get audited on your taxes. If you work for the government, you are allowed your governmental income, and the interest generated off it, and that is it, PERIOD. No side job speaking, no lobbyist "donations". You make X dollars as a government employee. You spend Y dollars. If X-Y does not equal Z left over, the GAO is going to pay you a visit, and you're not gonna like it. :wink: You get removed from office, automatically. You are there to serve not to get yourself setup for the rest of your life. You can use your fame after the fact to get yourself setup for the rest of your life.

The US will build weapons for itself, and, itself only. If you work on weapons for the US, you work for the US, and the US alone. If you get caught working for some other country, we seize your company, period, and ou are treated as traitors.

The world doesn't like us. that's fine, we will bring the military home, and they can be put to work here making the UNITED STATES stronger and safer. Not Germany, not Israel, not Iraq, not South Korea. The US, and the US alone. All the grain and food we GIVE to the rest of the world we keep, and use to make renewable resources, like fuel, or feeding people here. tehy dont want us keeping the peace, or feeding them, we won't. We'll see how they like the "rich Americans" after we pull our bases home, and let our troops spend their well earned pay on US soil.

As a side note, I would launch construction of floating bases. Bigassed floating carriers that would do tours of duty around the world, and would carry plenty of firepower for anything they ran across... :wink: They would cruise international waters, and buz the coasts of unfriendly nations, like sudan, Iran, etc, just to remind them that, just like 7-11, we might not be doin business, but, we're always open. :wink:


Build tidal generatos. Do you guys know how powerful the ocean currents are? We could generate all our electricity we would ever need simply by building underwater generators that take advantage of the current.

Cars would be electric, or CNG. We have all the CNG we would ever need right under our feet in Wyoming and Colorado.

Any materials you buy for energy conservation, like insulation, windows, etc would be TAX FREE. Not a stupid "tax credit" TAX FREE. Period.


America is a land of opportuniy, not a land of handouts. As such, if you wanna be stupid, and waste your time, we will be more than happy to enlist you in the military. If you are on the other end of the scale, and are a prodigy, we wll fund your schooling, as high as you would like to go... but, as such, you will be required to work on some national problem in your specialty, for a detemined amount of time based on how much ouf our money you spent...


Politicians will be given a certain amount of money for their expenses, and that is it. If you spend more than you're alotted amount, our friends in the GAO are going to come visit you.

I could go on, but, that's enough for now... :wink:
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Post by Chunk »

Josh,You need to add to the "Education" list.....

All schools will teach a "U.S. Constitution Class" Period!! You also have to pass this class with an "A" to graduate! And NO interpretations of the amendments. It is what it says.

No more "government" class. Its too full of lies,incorrect information,and bs. I remember this class well. The teacher always forgot to mention,or explain pact money,payoff's,lying,cheating,and stealing that government officials do. Oh,...and the unforgettable... "The president only makes $120,000 a year. :roll: Yeah right. :roll:
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Post by Chunk »

Also add the following catagory>>> "Taxes"... I get my ENTIRE paycheck,and I will only be taxed on what I buy/use. NOT tax my paycheck,then tax my gas when I fill up,then tax the shoes I need,etc,etc
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Post by Chunk »

Add to "Politics"...."any politician that is caught cheating on his or her wife/husband will be instantly removed from office."

There seems to be a big problem with this in politics.
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Post by Josh »

eh, can't do that in my book... Thats crossing the fine line between government and personal life, and that is what got us into the mess we are in. that is a VERY slippery slope. If you notice above, I have options for almost everything. I give people a choice, so, they still have freedom... like, if you wanna be a stoner and drop out of school, thats fine, but, go get a set of combat boots. Wanna smoke, thats fine, but you'll pay for it in insurance premiums.

For instance, an examples of crossing that fine line is the census this year. Had to tell them who all was in MY house, and what their relationship was to me. Thats none of their damned business, but, if I didnt provide the answers, they would get it some other way...
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Post by Josh »

I want to add that congressional bills would be limited to 3 subjects, and a maximum of 150 pages... no more 4K page bill stuffed with pet projects from both sides.

Also, congress would have poularity based term limits. voting would be one vote, one point system, with the winner winning by popular vote, not electoral college. Their first term would be by a majority. Second term would be min 65%, third would be 75%, 4th would be 85%, etc... If they did not get the required minimum from that term, they would be eliminated from the race, and any remaining candidates would be in a runoff race. Also, there would be allowed more than 1 candidate from each party, since the US seems to be obsessed with classing everyone into 2 parties, and we have been trained that voting any otehr way is a waste of a vote.
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Post by powerwagontim »

Going out on a limb here, but to me, what makes this site a respite from the real world is that the topics here are mostly about M37s, NOT about the crap that goes on "out there" Lets at least post these topics in the Soap Box section. OK, flame me, I have my Nomex undies on!
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Post by jbxx »

I agree with almost all that has been peviously posted.
But this topic belongs in "Soap Box".
Wrong Forum.
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Post by MSeriesRebuild »

Josh wrote:Wanna fix it all? Vote me in as president I would:

Fix our borders.

Simple one... Move the Mexican border 2 miles north, build a fence on each side of this 2 miles strip. The ones on our side is lightly electrified with 120V, the other electrified with 5K volts.

And in the middle, randomly buried land mines. Problem solved. :wink:

oh, and do the same thing in the waters between FL, and Cuba.

Fix our traffic accident rates.

Talking on your cell phone while driving? Cop confiscates it, puts it under your tire, and makes you run over it.

Air bags? Who needs air bags? Wanna make people pay attention? Replace air bags with steak knives that come out at 400 mph with 2K lb of force.

texting while driving? See sentence one.

Want your liscence? Good. Go to a skid pad and take 2 weeks of instructional driving on a close road course and skidpad, along with 4 weeks of classroom training. Why is it that everyone talks about how big of a deal driving is, but we give any kid with an attention span of 5 minutes a liscense. By the way, the classes are in ENGLISH, and YOU, as the driver get to pay for it all.

Wanna drive fast? that's nice. Guess what? Extra speed takes extra training, and requires a special colored, more expensive liscense plate. you go more than 10 MPH over your designated plate color and liscense, and your ride gets impounded for 6 months, no questions asked (a handy feature for mom and dad that want to keep their kids under, say, 45 MPH). So, you got the dough to buy an Audi R8 and wanna drive it fast, go get the training and th plate to handle it.


Legalize and TAX all drugs. This "war on drugs" was our prisons packed to the gills for marijuana convictions when we could be taxing it and using it to pay for all kinds of other things, like education. Everyone has the RIGHT to education, just because some percentage of the population wants to nuke brain cells all day long doesnt mean we can't use their stupidity to help those that want to get ahead. After all, we will need someone to mop floors and flip burgers after the new border security keeps the illegals out, right? :wink:


Alcohol, cigarettes. This one is simple too. The companies can advertise anything they want to anyone they want. Joe Camel to 6 year olds if they want... BUT: For every dollar they spend on advertising, they have to spend 4 on rehab programs, low income healthcare spending, etc.


Another simple one: Im 15% overweight (should be around 175, Im closer to 200), I should pay more. Someone that smokes should pay more too. HOWEVER: The Government Acountability Office (GAO) will bend over and butt love the living crap out of the insurance companies, hospitals, clinics, and everyone else that has a 1000% markup on suppliers, rooms, services, and everything else. Doctors will be given the option of having a statue of limitations levy. Basically, they can't be frivelously sued, BUT, as a result of this levy, they also have a salary cap imposed. No need for ultra expensive practice insurance means they don't need to charge big bucks for service, and especially don't need to make $500K a year. They would be required to make every patient aware of it at start of their service, and the patient would be required to sign off on it.

Tax Cuts.

If you sell something made in the USA, you don't pay income taxes on that item. If you make something in the USA from 100% US sourced parts, you dont pay income taxes. If you assemble something in the USA, from foreign sourced parts, you pay standard income taxes on whatever percentage of the foreign parts you used. You used 50% foreign parts, you pay taxes on 50% of your income.

If you buy something made in the USA, you dont pay sales tax. If you buy something assembled in the USA, you pay 20% sales tax on whatever percentage of the parts are foreign made. It's 50% foreign parts, you pay an effective tax of 10%.


The GAO will be the mst powerful arm of the government, and will automatically audit certain functions and people. If you work for the government, on any level, you get audited on your taxes. If you work for the government, you are allowed your governmental income, and the interest generated off it, and that is it, PERIOD. No side job speaking, no lobbyist "donations". You make X dollars as a government employee. You spend Y dollars. If X-Y does not equal Z left over, the GAO is going to pay you a visit, and you're not gonna like it. :wink: You get removed from office, automatically. You are there to serve not to get yourself setup for the rest of your life. You can use your fame after the fact to get yourself setup for the rest of your life.

The US will build weapons for itself, and, itself only. If you work on weapons for the US, you work for the US, and the US alone. If you get caught working for some other country, we seize your company, period, and ou are treated as traitors.

The world doesn't like us. that's fine, we will bring the military home, and they can be put to work here making the UNITED STATES stronger and safer. Not Germany, not Israel, not Iraq, not South Korea. The US, and the US alone. All the grain and food we GIVE to the rest of the world we keep, and use to make renewable resources, like fuel, or feeding people here. tehy dont want us keeping the peace, or feeding them, we won't. We'll see how they like the "rich Americans" after we pull our bases home, and let our troops spend their well earned pay on US soil.

As a side note, I would launch construction of floating bases. Bigassed floating carriers that would do tours of duty around the world, and would carry plenty of firepower for anything they ran across... :wink: They would cruise international waters, and buz the coasts of unfriendly nations, like sudan, Iran, etc, just to remind them that, just like 7-11, we might not be doin business, but, we're always open. :wink:


Build tidal generatos. Do you guys know how powerful the ocean currents are? We could generate all our electricity we would ever need simply by building underwater generators that take advantage of the current.

Cars would be electric, or CNG. We have all the CNG we would ever need right under our feet in Wyoming and Colorado.

Any materials you buy for energy conservation, like insulation, windows, etc would be TAX FREE. Not a stupid "tax credit" TAX FREE. Period.


America is a land of opportuniy, not a land of handouts. As such, if you wanna be stupid, and waste your time, we will be more than happy to enlist you in the military. If you are on the other end of the scale, and are a prodigy, we wll fund your schooling, as high as you would like to go... but, as such, you will be required to work on some national problem in your specialty, for a detemined amount of time based on how much ouf our money you spent...


Politicians will be given a certain amount of money for their expenses, and that is it. If you spend more than you're alotted amount, our friends in the GAO are going to come visit you.

I could go on, but, that's enough for now... :wink:
Sounds like some good programs could come from this. Are you running in 2012?
Charles Talbert
poor rich
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Post by poor rich »

I agree with above, so I posted my response in Soapbox.
My wife loves to cook, bakes fresh cookies for my lunch every week, and now she wants a 15" Mortar.... life is good!
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