XM152 update

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XM152 update

Post by russcal »

Hello, y'all!

I replaced the exhaust system behind the headers on my truck, including all new brackers and hardware to replace the high tech coat hanger wire that was there originally (when I got the truck). Tried to fire it up for the first time in a coupla months with no luck... see my post under Tech Topics.

I had mentioned the interesting NAA / Rocketdyne marking I found on the door in a earlier post. Haven't done any more sanding to discover other markings, probably will check out the hood and bumper / bumperettes next. My rig should be old enough to have the Air Force marking on the hood, if I read Lifers comments correctly.

Due to the door markings, I did some Rocketdyne / Santa Susana Fiel Lab research. Surprisingly little on the web outside of how evil they were for making a mess where people would want to live eventually. Did manage to find and contact the curator of a Rocketdyne / SSFL historical site. Gentleman was very interested to hear about my truck. Did, however, recommend I purchase a geiger counter to check my truck. Thank goodness for cheap Civil Defence radiometers on eBay! He told me there were 27 reactors at SSFL over the years, and precautions and safety methods were not always as stringent as they are now. Fortunately, my truck has been well scanned... at least it won't be contributing to my kicking off this mortal coil!

The gentleman hasn't located any photos yet, but did find a article from an employee (SSFL) talking about the "old" days when they (the scientists) used '"converted Army ambulances, painted blue."' It's neat reading something like that and thinking, "Hey, I got one of those!"

Well, thanks for reading, and let me know what you think!

Proud son of Rose and Wes
Proud son of Rose and Wes
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