M37 Registry
The default sort order is to display serial numbers sorted within year, oldest first. Click on any other heading to re-sort the registry by those columns. Click on a serial number to display an individual truck.
Serial Number Year Model Owner Owner
Location Picture Date Entered Record
2668----4-25877 1963  M37B1  Paul Zettek  Fl USA  Jan 02, 2014  886
80023106 1951  M37  Brad Zevenbergen  SD USA  Jun 19, 2017  1089
80008477 1951  M37  James Zifchock  Rhode Island USA  Jul 28, 2008  495
80259602 1954  M37  John Christensen Zimmerman  MN USA      31
80040991 1952  M37  Aaron Zuehlke  WI US  Aug 02, 2015  988
80045624 1953  M37  Vlastimil Šimčík  Czech Republic, Europe Czech Republic    Jan 02, 2013  829

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